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Hey You! Welp, it turns out I'm a really good insurance agent, but a pretty terrible website designer. I'd like to have a blog here. But I don't. Check back later. Maybe I'll have it figured out by then - or maybe I'll just go watch Forrest Gump for the 297th time instead. Oh, if you're still reading this, go back to the home page and schedule your review. You'll love it. It's awesome. There is absolutely no obligation, and I don't believe in sales pressure. Plus, you might actually enjoy my lame dad jokes.

Check back soon
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

©2023 by Health Insurance Specialties. We are not connected with or endorsed by the United States government or the federal Medicare program. Currently we represent 8 organizations which offer 48 products in your area. We also represent a large selection of Medicare Supplement plans. You can always contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) for help with plan choices. By providing your name and contact information you are consenting to receive calls, text messages and/or emails from a licensed insurance agent about Medicare Plans at the number provided, and you agree such calls and/or text messages may use an auto-dialer or robocall, even if you are on a government do-not-call registry.   Cellular carrier charges may apply. This agreement is not a condition of enrollment or provision of services.  You may change your contact preferences at any time by contacting the agency

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